Mind Session

Within the mind's passage, each thought is a stepping stone to a universe yet discovered.

Meditation is good for the mind. It can help you still the chatter in your head. It’s a learned skill, and can come from many different techniques. Look into the Sylva Mind Control. Or a life coach. Seek guided meditation classes, to help you develop the skill of meditation. I know a few good people, and would be happy to make a referral. Focusing on balancing the energy in your Crown and Third Eye Chakras is something I can help you with. I use the vibration of the tuning forks, with Reiki to clear energy blockages in your upper Chakras.


  • Finding solace in the stillness within.
  • Quiet the constant mental chatter.
  • Help you navigate through the noise of daily life and discover the profound peace that resides within you.
  • Experience the power of tuning forks and Reiki to clear energy blockages in your Crown and Third Eye Chakras.
  • Personalized guidance and support throughout your meditation journey.

Through the gentle vibrations of tuning forks and the healing energy of Reiki, we will work together to clear blockages and restore harmonious energy flow in your mind. Trust in the process, and embrace the infinite possibilities that await you as you cultivate a balanced mind and an awakened spirit. Allowing the transformative power of meditation and energy healing to nurture your well-being and guide you towards a life of profound serenity.

It would be my honor to support you on this path of self-discovery and invite you to book a session today.

Disclaimer: The United States of America currently has no licensing policy in regard to Sound or Energy Healing, and I am not a licensed Medical Doctor or therapist. I do not deal with drugs, nor do I issue a diagnosis or suggest cures.

My purpose is simply to provide a safe space for my clients to experience healing through natural processes. I consider the use of sound, vibration, Reiki, crystal and any other natural healing method as a way to encourage the body to get back to optimal functioning. I make no claims for their medicinal actions. Any information offered is done so on the basis of personal experience and traditional uses. 

My clients agree to make their own choices about the information they have been offered and are solely responsible for their own decisions and actions.  I recommend clients seek the advice of a licensed health care professional whenever they feel it is necessary in regards to their own personal health, especially with serious conditions. Clients need to consult with their physician and get approval to attend healing sessions if they have metal in their bodies, suffered concussions, have a pacemaker, use an insulin pump, or other devices. When in doubt, consult a health care provider before our time together.

Some issues such as suicidal thoughts or late-stage cancer are beyond the scope of my expertise, and I would advise you to seek outside help.

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